Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Puh-leeze Posh

Victoria Beckham tried to claim she’s not a media whore who craves the spotlight like a fat kid does Smarties. "[My family spends] a lot of time socializing at home so we don't get photographed… I couldn't live a life where I was under the spotlight everyday," Posh told Extra. "If you look at someone like Britney Spears, I couldn't do that. I've got to have my privacy at home with my husband and my children otherwise,I'd end up going loopy." Of course if one had a hubby like David Beckham they should want to stay home (and in bed), but it seems like there’s a Beckham, like, all the time (plus their appearances in rag mags seem to be on par, if not more frequent than the Toxic singer). And if anyone saw her show, Victoria Beckham: Coming to America (which, by the way, was awesome!), they would have seen someone who seems to love hamming it up for the camera.

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