Friday, January 18, 2008

Brit’s obit?

Watching Britney Spears completely falling apart in the spotlight it getting depressing. It’s like watching a trapeze artist with no net and knowing she’s going to fall, but not being able to get out of your seat to save her. There’s some sick site that’s offering a reward to whoever can guess the Toxic singer’s death. “We’ll all have a date with our maker someday, but like Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears just can’t seem to wait,” reads “A couple of years ago she looked stunning and was a wet dream for every man. But for some reason Britney also landed in a self-destruction derby. Guess her final breath and be crowned Mr or Mrs Death. Winner will be rewarded with a PS3.” Along a similar (but definitely not the same) vein is the Associated Press already working on her obituary, just in case. “We are not wishing it, but if Britney passed away, it’s easily one of the biggest stories in a long time,” AP entertainment editor Jesse Washington told “I think one would agree that Britney seems at risk right now… Of course, we would never wish any type of misfortune on anybody and hope that we would never have to use it until 50 years from now… but if something were to happen, we would have to be prepared.” Spears will be hitting the spookily doomed age of 27 at the end of this year, let’s just hope she gets some serious help before she goes the way of Kurt, Janis, Jimi or Jim.

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