Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One shot of Tequila is never enough

Tila Tequila, a pint-sized bisexual bimbette, had her own MTV Bachelor-style reality show, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, However, like with the majority of The Bachelor cases, love was not found and now she’s serving up a second round of shots. “I thought I had finally found someone that I was compatible with, but I guess I was wrong,” Tequila wrote on her MySpace blog, People reported. “My hectic schedule was really hard on him and we both were getting frustrated, but at the same time… it’s too bad that things didn’t work out between us.” But that doesn’t mean she's giving up on love. Check out her romantic ramblings: “In my life I have seen it all. If God came down and granted me one wish, I would wish to find happiness and hold on to it forever and take it with me to my grave. All the money in the world, all the glitz and glamour of fame, could never amount to the joy that I feel when I am happy. I would give it all up; money, fame, success, in a second for the only thing in life that truly matters to me..... love. People tend to throw that word around loosely and amidst all the hustles and bustles of life....we forget how beautiful love really is. Life is not worth living without love and happiness. Love heals all. Love is a mysterious and powerful force that is the key to all that is...and all that ever was...” And the sappiness went on and on... for the rest of the mush check out her MySpace.

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