Monday, January 7, 2008

DiCaprio’s remote controlled porcelain thrown

I guess when you’re loaded you get tired of showing your wealth off with fancy clothes, cars and multiple houses and villas. So where do rich people turn? Toilets. That’s right, I’ve heard of a prince or sultan who had a gold toilet seat. Sounded like extreme extravagance to me. But now movie stars seem to be flushing the same route. Will Smith raved about his paperless loo. Now Leonardo DiCaprio one-uped him by buying a commode that’s not only paper free, but remote control operated. Now any of his line of model girlfriends won’t have to complain about him leaving the seat up. This toilet seat automatically goes up when he approaches, and automatically goes back down a few seconds after he’s done. And if that wasn’t sweet enough, it also comes equipped with a built-in deodorizer for those less than fresh dumps. "Leo loves his new toilet," a pal told the UK’s Daily Snack. "It's more like a toy since it has a remote control." A toy toilet, what will they think of next?

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