Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Desperate Deeley

Cat Deeley, the blonde Brit with the lopsided smile (or is it a crooked nose? I can never quite figure it out no matter how much I tilt my head) who hosts the best reality show in the history of reality shows, So You Think You Can Dance, supposedly sucks when it comes to finding a fella. According to the UK Sun, when asked by New! magazine if she’d filled the position of new American boyfriend now that she’s on this side of the pond, she replied: "No. But there are plenty to choose from, which is good. It's a much bigger country than the UK, so slowly and surely I will work my way through them all." When the mag suggested men should be drooling over her accent, she said: "I hope so. Put in a good word for me, I'm single - and desperate!"

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