Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rhys Ifans on mosquito-like media

Rhys Ifans has been in the biz for a while, but the media attention he attracts has expanded exponentially since he started seeing Sienna Miller. The Welsh actor, who appeared in his underwear in Hugh Grant’s Notting Hill, told the UK’s Observer how he feels about the prying paparazzi. “Well, when you're being pursued like that, it's just a fucking great pain in the arse,” he said. “But you know, that's all it is, a giant pain in the arse. It's like having wasps in your crash helmet. You just have to open the visor and spit them out. That's it, really… It's a part of western culture right now, and not a very healthy part, whatever way you look at it. But you know what? There's a war on. And there's kids getting shot on the streets. I mean, who the hell cares about me? It's just all wrong somehow.” But that’s all the bitching we heard from this boy who also counts his blessings: “I'm not going to sit here and moan about my life, because mostly it's great. Who cares about a few mosquitos with cameras? It's pond life, man. I mean, it's not as big a pain as somebody thumping you in the bollocks with a lump hammer over and over.” As for feeding the buzzing shutterbugs, this actor will have none of that. When asked about the rumour of him tying the knot with Miller he replied: “Yeah, and they found Elvis on the moon, mate… I came here to talk about my work. My personal life is invented for me, so why bother? Keep the fuckers guessing, that's what I say.” I like the way you think, Rhys!

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