Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hilton harasses Smurfs

What is up with Paris Hilton and small fictional characters? We just heard about her running to the rescue of an Oompa Loompa and now she’s supposedly smitten with Smurfs. The celebutard was at a Berlin Christmas Market when she spotted two Smurfs (and when I say Smurfs, I don’t mean she was on something and saw cartoon characters, I mean she saw two men with blue body paint who were dressed up to look like Smurfs as part of a promo). “I don’t know if Paris had been on the mulled wine, but when she saw the chaps on the sweet stall, she squealed,” a source told the UK’s Daily Star. “We heard her saying: ‘Oh my, real live Smurfs. I always wanted one when I was a kid’ before turning to her pal and asking: ‘Can I take them home?’ Then she added: ‘I didn’t realize that this is where they came from.’ She then started talking about adding them to her collection and bent down to talk to them in a babyish voice. I really don’t think she was trying to cause offence. But the actors were really narked off about it all.” No shit Sherlock, the thought of being adopted by that trashy bimbo sounds awful! “One of them just flipped and starting shouting at Paris,” the source added. “He obviously spoke fluent English and told her in no uncertain terms that he was a grown man and that she was being very patronizing. It was a bit chilly and they were frazzled after a long day so not prepared to put up with the kooky American; it was quite a scene.” Damn, where’s a TMZ camera when you need one?

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