Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dead babies and slime, sounds like one heck of a Christmastime

Some people opt for tinsel and those colourful ornament balls that always break when decorating their Christmas trees, others opt for dead babies and slime. Helena Bonham Carter told Playboy her director (and possibly disturbed) beau, Tim Burton, doesn’t go for conventional Christmas decorations and prefers a merrier macabre approach. "He decorates it with dead babies and slime balls and things," the actress told Playboy magazine. "It looks lovely and glittery from afar, and then as you get closer, you realize it's rather gory." Burton’s morbid décor is shrugged off by Bonham Carter who seems to liken her partner to Peter Pan. "We're not that dark,” she insists. “What I love about Tim is that he retains a certain innocence and a childlike quality. He sort of forgot to grow up. I think I've definitely forgotten to grow up, which is great." Except, any child who decorated their tree with dead babies would prob be spending most of his time hopped up on Ritalin and on a pysch couch rather than behind a camera.

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