Thursday, November 29, 2007

A painful fairy-toenail

Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think princesses should be talking about toenails. It just doesn’t jive with my idea of happily ever after. However, Amy Adams, who plays Princess Giselle in Disney’s Enchanted (which, incidentally, topped box offices on both sides of the border on its opening weekend), must have missed that memo. Adams recently described how her onscreen Prince McCharming (Patrick Dempsey) accidentally tore off some of her toenails when the two took to the dance floor for a scene in the film. But, being a lady, Adams bared the brunt of the blame. "Patrick did take off two of my toenails but it was my fault because I was a trained dancer and so I thought I knew what I was doing,” the actress was quoted by the World Entertainment News Network as saying. “I was not a good partner and I had a hard time surrendering to Patrick's lead. He moved and I didn't, and I refused to let him lead, so I just stood my ground and he just tore them off. So I ended up with the loss of some toenails and sore feet but that was the extent of my injuries."

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